? Alpha NET Z. Update 0.8. What’s new?

Lobby Chat

In version 0.8 you can chatting with all players on server.
See plugin parameters Lobby Chat and Lobby Chat -> Is Global?

Players Nameplates

Feature from Alpha NET now in Alpha NET Z.
You can create different styles and assign certain styles to certain actors.

In nAPI (script calls) map in Demo project you can find event that explain how work in nameplates in game.

In-Game chat many many new settings

Added new Plugin Parameter for in-game chat, now you can configurate it as you want

From Alpha NET also added emotions as well

List of emotions:


Is Ready state check

You can activate or deactivate checking for players ready before starts game. See plugin parameter Is Check Ready?

Map Encounters

New Plugin Parameter Is Encounters is Global made map encounters for all players on same map.

Custom Game ID

New Plugin Parameter Use Custom Game ID allow you to set own unique ID for you game.
Player can connect to any game room only if Game ID is same. So, it’s important be unique for each game. I recommend using Custom Game ID when you deploy your game.
