Extended Loot. Update 1.3.

Screen PopUp’s

Added alternative PopUp’s on Screen Space.

Turn ON parameter Show On-Screen Pop-ups

New PopUp’s based on NUI, you can edit visual look and animations. See file data\PKD_ExtendedLoot\NUI_ScreenPopUpItem.json

Added next script calls:

  • EL_ClearAllScreenPopUps(); – clear all screen PopUp’s
  • EL_ShowScreenPopUpForItem(ITEM, COUNT, [COLOR]) – show PopUp for item
  • EL_ShowScreenPopUpCustom(ICON_INDEX, TEXT, COUNT, COLOR] – show custom PopUp with specified text and icon

You can use this script call for show extra messages for player, for example: EL_ShowScreenPopUpCustom(44, 'Quest Updated', 0, '#ff88ff')

For Visual Drop

New notetags for Items/Weapons/Armors:

  • <lootDropSound:NAME> – add drop sound effect per Item
  • <noAutoLoot> – disable Item from auto looting


  • New plugin parameter Share Visual Drop over network? if TRUE – all visual dropped items will be global (visble for all) for network players on smae map, Alpha NET Z is required.

  • Added compatibility with MZ3D

  • Fixed bug: PopUps below characters sprites and *(star)-tiles