Alternative Shop. Update 1.2. What’s new?

Unique Items

You can create unique items per Shop, player can buy unique item only once.

Discounts Mode

Added new script call: PSHOP_SetDiscountMode(PERCENT, CAT_ID)
You can set discount mode for Shop, for all goods or only certain category

You can set special discount banner and set different price text format for items
with discount

New Plugin Parameters

  • Is Pause Game? – pause game while Shop is open
  • On Sell Category Click (callback) – common event when player starts selling own goods
  • On Closed (callback) – common event when player closed Shop

New Settings

Added new settings for Shop: Extra background image and many sound effects


  • Improved script calls PSHOP_SetSellPrice and PSHOP_SetBuyPrice, now you can use keywoard @all instead SHOP_ID for change item price for all existing shops
  • Fixed bug: wrong calculation of item buying price (when player try sell item to Shop)