Game Difficulty [MV, MZ]

Tier 2

Game Difficulty

Create multiple difficulty levels in your game

Actual version

Basic – 1.0 (02.05.2022)
PRO – 1.1 (05.10.2023)



  • Allow player change difficulty during game or only once before game starts

  • Execute certain event commands depending on the active difficulty level

  • Modify damage formulas depends on current difficulty level

  • Create conditions for Enemies drops depends on current difficulty level

  • Apply modifications for Enemies parameters depends on difficulty level

  • You can create igonore list and keep constant parameters for certain Enemies (like bosses) for all difficulties levels

  • You can create replacements lists depends on difficulty levels and plugin will swap enemies right before battle automatically

How to Use

Check Demo project for better understand how plugin working and what can do

All actual plugin instructions and commands are listed in the plugin help section

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Plugin Versions

  • Basic
  • Commercial
Exta features Basic
Exta features
Or subscription
Max difficulties levels2Unlimited
No obfuscated (readable) code
Updates with new features
Use in commercial projects

If you buy plugin you get plugin with commercial license and access to all future plugin updates (you receive a special link and when new update is come out, just download plugin again by received link)

If you subscribe on Patreon or Boosty you will have access to last plugin update, but for access to future updates you should keep subscription. If you cancel subscription you still can use your last plugin version in commercial projects. Also with subscription you support me to developing more plugins and updates. 

Terms of Use

Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution, Share Alike, Non-Commercial
(Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike, cc by-nc-sa)


 You can use plugin in non-commercial project for free 
Creative Commons 4.0 Attribution, Share Alike
(Attribution Non-Commercial Share Alike, cc by-sa)



 You can use plugin in non-commercial and commercial projects   on the sole condition that this plugin has been legally acquired (through purchase from or