Simple Quests System plugin

Simple Quests System. Update 1.5. What’s new?

Failed quests and tasks

Set new Plugin Parameter Failed quests to TRUE and you will see new group (for failed quests) in Journal

Change position of new group button, editing Plugin Parameter Button Group C

You can fail quest or task and check is quest or task are failed. See new Script calls below.

New Script Calls

  • SQSM.FailQuest(ID)
  • SQSM.isQuestFailed(ID)
  • SQSM.FailTaskForQuest(ID, INDEX)
  • SQSM.isQuestTaskFailed(ID, taskIndex)
  • SQSM.isQuestTaskComplete(ID, taskIndex)
  • SQSM.isQuestTaskVisible(ID, taskIndex)

For more information, see the help section of the plugin

New Plugin Parameters

  • Default opacity and Opacity over distance – you can edit quests navigation arrows opacity and opacity change behaviour

  • Added Plugin Parameters for change categories via keyboard keys or gamepad