Simple quests system plugin

Simple Quests System. Update 1.6

Simple Quest System Plugin Update

Version 1.6

New Features

  • Added New Map Quests List Window (NUI-based)

A new NUI (New User Interface) system. based Quests List Window has been introduced for the map. This provides a flexible UI for displaying quest tasks on the map.

Note: The old window remains available, and you can continue using it if preferred.

Differences from the old version:

  • The ability to fully customize the quests list window.
  • Dynamic updating of variable values used in the quest task text.
  • Automatic resizing to fit different screen resolutions.

  • Added Auto Conditions for Quests (Add, Complete, Fail)
    Auto conditions can now be set up for quests, allowing for automatic quest management based on specific conditions. You can configure these conditions directly through the Plugin Parameters for each quest:

    • Add Condition: Automatically adds the quest to the journal when the condition is met.
    • Complete Condition: Marks the quest as complete when the condition is fulfilled.
    • Fail Condition: Automatically fails the quest when the specified condition is triggered.

  • Fixed a bug: the Quests Journal would not close when the close keyboard button (Open Journal Button plugin parameter) was clicked again (in the Quests Journal scene)

  • Added Chinese translation