Simple Skills Tree. Update 2.0. NUI.

Update 2.0 Changelog

Major Changes

  • Redesigned Plug-in Interface

    • The whole plugin interface has been redone for the new NUI system, allowing complete customization of the visual components.
    • All elements now automatically adjust to the game’s resolution.

    Important: The new interface system is incompatible with the old one. If you have previously customized the plugin’s visuals, you will need to redo the changes. Consider skipping the update if your project is close to release.

New Script Calls

  • RemoveAllSkillTrees()

    • Removes all skills trees from the game.
  • ModifySkillPointsForActor(actorId, value);

    • Modifies skill points for the specified actor.
  • ClearSkillPointsForActor(actorId);

    • Clears skill points for the specified actor.

New Features

  • New Plugin Parameter: Skill Visual Types
    • Allows for the addition of more skill shapes.

Notetag Changes

  • Optional Notetag: <pSkillPointsVarId>
    • The notetag is now optional. If not set, you will still receive skill points per level up, provided the corresponding Plugin Parameter is enabled.